Betsabeh Madani Hermann

Betsabeh Madani Hermann

Global Head of Research and Breakthrough Innovations, Philips

A scientist and an engineer by training, Betsabeh’s career spans healthcare, biotech, cleantech, agriculture, and robotics.

Currently, as the Global Head of Research at Royal Philips, she is the executive responsible for managing and funding the company’s breakthrough innovations, selecting and funding technological explorations, and leading Philip’s global public-private-partnerships portfolio. She was previously the Head of Strategy and Business Development for 6 businesses at Philips with $7B+ in revenue.

Betsabeh has an MBA from the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth, a Master’s in Mechanical Engineering and graduate research in biophysics and proteomics from The University of British Columbia, and Bachelors in Physics and in Biochemistry from the University of Victoria. She is an adjunct Professor at the University of British Columbia’s Graduate School of Engineering where she teaches Tough Tech Innovations, a course she developed in 2021.